Many organizations face a significant challenge to track the location, quantity, condition,
maintenance and depreciation status of their fixed assets. Our Product, Eazy Asset is a comprehensive approach that cleanses and fortifies the fixed asset register to establish a strong foundation for effective fixed asset management. It provides the necessary data visibility to identify operational savings in many areas and avoid the risk of non-compliance with financial, tax and regulatory issues
Eazy-Asset Helps you to:
Increase Organization of Asset Data.
Maintain More Detailed Asset Records.
Save Time from Preparing asset Reports.
File Asset Reports on Time easily and instantly.
Automate Asset Depreciation Calculations.
Easily Manage Asset Change Requests.
Provide auditable history during an audit.
Automate the Transfer of Assets.
Eliminate errors and delays while transferring assets.
Maintain Current Condition of Assets better.
Better budget planning for Fixed asset replacement.
Assign Asset Owners
Keep documents like purchase orders, insurance policies, user guides, and images organized & at one place.
Track of all lease agreements, maintenance agreements etc.
Track cost center, physical location, asset ID, physical ID , date of use etc.
We at Eazy Business Solutions value our client relationships. Our solutions are designed to address the needs of various industry verticals ,scaling from low and midsized companies to large production and manufacturing establishments.